Provide award-winning support
Are you interested in making a difference in the careers of our students? We need volunteers like you to judge to our students' competition presentations, host interactive workshops, and host booths at our annual career fairs.
You don't need any previous experience in Collegiate DECA in order to volunteer. We will provide you with all of the tools and training you need to be successful.
We care about your safety!
There is no higher priority than the health, safety and well-being of everyone involved in DECA’s educational conferences. Given the uncertain length of the current pandemic, Arizona Collegiate DECA will monitor the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation closely and make any updates regarding our educational conferences on their respective webpages.
Guest Judge
Guest Judges will be listening to, scoring and providing feedback to competitors in Role Play and Prepared presentations.
Guest Speak
Guest speakers have a unique opportunity to present to an audience of the next generation of professionals.
Career Fair
Tap into a pool of engaged college professionals before they graduate college.